Quantum Computing at Davis (QCaD) is an extracurricular organization from the University of California Davis dedicated to education and research in the field of Quantum Computing.
What We Do
QCaD hosts weekly workshops dedicated to teaching quantum computing to an audience of all levels of expertise, from beginners to experts.
QCaD produces software for educational and practical purposes, as well as collaborating with industry figures like IBM and BluQuantum to produce novel quantum computing tools.
Certification Program
The certification program is something all new members are automatically enrolled in and provides a way to showcase skills and projects. To become a certified member, a member must have completed one of the following:
- Attended eight workshops
- Attended four workshops and have built a quantum computing related project
- Resolve two issues or make two pull requests (or one of each)
Note: meeting attendance does NOT have to be consecutive
To see our certified members, please check out the members page
Meeting Times
The calendar below gives times and locations for events. QCaD is currently attempting to conduct hybrid meetings, with both an in-person option as well as accessbility through Zoom. To obtain the Zoom link, as well as get notified for meeting information, please consider joining the mailing list or following us on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Where We Meet
Most QCaD meetings are hosted in at the Warren and Leta Giedt Hall on the University of California, Davis campus. However, this is subject to change so make sure you check any announcements!
In light of the remote audience that QCaD has, as well as its roots on campus, attempts are being made to have workshop sessions hosted both on Zoom AND in-person. This process may not be the smoothest and could potentially encounter hiccups along the way. Please refer to our Facebook/LinkedIn pages to obtain the latest information or consider joining our mailing list for notifications.
You can join/contact us here